Christmas tree on the moon with Earth in the background and Ruby.Exchange logo
DeFi and AMM

Merry Christmas, Ruby Community!


To our new but fast-growing Ruby community,

Seasons Greetings! We wish you a joyful festive period, however you celebrate the holiday.

We know you've been curious about our progress, so, as a Christmas gift, we wanted to drop a sneak preview of what we've been building.

Ruby.Exchange swap interface
Ruby's trading UI is simple, intuitive, and includes built-in charting.
The SKALE IMA Bridge provides fast, secure bridging for ERC20 tokens.

There's lots more, but we'll save that for the new year—when we'll be back with more exciting updates, including details of our public sale and, of course, the beta launch of Ruby.Exchange itself.

Until then, stay safe, trade safe, and enjoy the break!

The Ruby Team

Stay up-to-date by following Ruby.Exchange on Twitter and Telegram, and subscribing to the Ruby blog.